The DBS also suggests that when an individual changes organisations, no matter the job role, they should also have their check renewed. The DBS say that if someone changes roles within an organisation it may be necessary for their check to be renewed. i.e., if someone worked in a hospital and moved into a role that has direct contact with people in a vulnerable position, it would be necessary for them to undertake a new higher-level check such as an Enhanced Disclosure. The DBS suggests renewal times for employers The time frame is totally dependent on the employer. Some employers request DBS check renewals every 6 monthsĮmployers are in their right to require staff to renew their checks after a certain amount of time, some choose to be as often as 6 months whereas some are annually. Contrary to popular belief, it is at the employers discretion whether they will accept a DBS Check, regardless of when it was issued. Personnel Checks receive a lot of questions regarding when to renew DBS checks Take a look at the list below, we’ve compiled the top 7 things you need to know about DBS renewals! DBS Checks Don’t ExpireĭBS Checks don’t have an expiry date.